Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Zepheria Sonnet IIII

      Anon Feare, Centinell of sad discretion,
Strangling Repentance in his cradle age,
Cares Vsher, Tenant to his owne Oppression,
Forsd my thoughts quest vpon an idle rage.

      Enraged Passion, skout to loue vntrue,
Commenting gloses on each smile and frowne,
Christning the Heauens, and Erebus anew,
Intollerable yoke to loue and reason.

      Footstoole to all affects, Beauties sowre handmayd,
The harts hermophrodite passiue in action:
Hope now serenes his brow, anon dismayd,
A pleasing death, a life in pleasd distraction.

      Thou on thy mother Feare begot Despayre,
      To whom my Fate conuayes me sonne and heyre.


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